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RedFishGalleryLLC Northern Neck, Virginia

Paintings and assemblages that address the subterranean terrain of one’s inner and outer levels of being and how they connect to each other.

Isabelle studied at the School of the Louvre, and the Institute of Art and Archeology at the Sorbonne in Paris, France.


To create her 3D assemblages Isabelle gathers broken objects found randomly on empty streets, busy parking lots, sunny beaches or in the depths of the woods. Those found objects cannot be identified by their former function and their reason of being has been lost. Her goal then, is to combine them with other broken objects to create new wholes. By doing so she breaks the boundaries of each object’s function and gives them a new identity through their connections to others.


Who has not brought or found a shell, a leaf or special mementos from their voyages. Isabelle can turn those into an assemblage of memories. Let’s make it happen.



Mixed Media Artist

Kilmarnock, VA

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